Don't miss this important educational session with Ryan Allen of Grassroots For America on Monday, August 21st at The Winey Wench
Grassroots For America is proud to host top technology and IT Solutions professional, Ryan Allen, as he presents the Free event: "Voter Integrity in Your Backyard."
According to Florida state's Division of Elections website, "the Department received 262 Elections Fraud Complaint forms and [referred them to] over 75 to law enforcement or prosecuting authorities," in 2020. Three years later, in January 2023, the Florida Department of State issued the "Florida Department of State Office of Election Crimes and Security Report," that reported:
2040 Complaints Received 986 Independent Investigations Initiated 1514 Cases Referred to Another Agency 234 Cases Referred to Special Agents
So what happened to increase Florida's voter fraud complaints by nearly 800%?
Although the state of Florida has been featured in the national news since 2020, outrage intensified over DeSantis's politically-motivated S.B. 4-B. This bill expands the authority of statewide prosecutors, so they can prosecute alleged voter fraud identified by the state’s election police. Statewide prosecutors are supervised by the state’s attorney general, so S.B. 4-B essentially gave the executive branch more political power over law enforcement. As a result, the governor has perp-walked a number of sacrificial lambs during this critical election year, with no real progress in rooting out organized voter fraud criminals.
The voting integrity debate (finally) gained national attention thanks to President Trump. In spite of opening the debate on America's election process, the mainstream media has relentlessly dismissed whistleblowers like Donald Trump as seditious "conspiracy theorists." They continue to focus on aggressive or dubious prosecutions of individuals who may have been confused over their voting status, and undermine voter integrity investigations as racially motivated. Racial justice lawyers may call voter integrity advocacy and legislation "fringe conspiracies about our elections;" however, whistleblowers like Clint Curtis, investigative documentaries like 2000 Mules, and the organization True the Vote report a different story.
“A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.” — C. S. Lewis
In order for American Democracy to survive, the People need to take a big, fearless inventory. We need to discover exactly where we are at this moment in time so we can move forward. To quote True the Vote's website: "This is not a game or a drill. This is real life, real liberty, and the cornerstone of all we are as a republic. The more that we move away from an election that brings Americans together to have a conversation about the direction of our country, the more that we risk losing the very thing that makes this nation special. This special thing is your ability as a citizen to have a say in our government."
Whether or not you believe that voter fraud prosecutions are politically motivated, the amount of confusion created over our current voting rights is very revealing.
Since its inception, Grassroots For America (GFA) has put Voting Integrity at the top of its priority list, and has organized events and seminars to educate and empower citizens. IGFA's Legislation Team has been very active in tracking bills in both the house and senate, and were involved in language changes in Florida's IT and Election Integrity Bills.
GFA board member and grassroots activist, Ryan Allen, will continue GFA's mission on Monday, August 21st with a FREE public presentation and Q&A session to help our area voters understand the issues behind voter integrity, how it affects us, and what we can do to make positive changes.
Allen's presentation, "Voter Integrity in Your Backyard" is a timely discussion on:
What is Voter Integrity
Why Voter Integrity is important
How To Interpret Voting Laws
Why Backyard Action Is So Critical
How To Hold Elected Officials Accountable
What is a Grassroots Movement
How Soon Should Someone Take Action
How to Choose & Participate in a Grassroots Movement
Event Date:
Monday, August 21, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Location:
The Winey Wench - Seminole Towne Center
Sanford, Florida
This event is brought to you by Grassroots For America, a 501(c)3 organization. To learn how to become a member for only $35/year, visit