Liberty, the U.S. Constitution,
and the Make America First Agenda
Grassroots for America, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan organization located in Seminole County, Florida. Our mission is to protect the Constitution of the United States of America and support the "America First" agenda by educating the public and seeking out candidates who support traditional American values.
Grassroots for America, Inc. is a 501(c)(4).
Read more about our non-profit status.

How We Make a Difference
School Board: We attend all meetings, have challenged the mask mandates, CRT, exposed the corruption. This Team attended the Board of Education meeting in Tampa (in protest). We have members who will probably run to replace this Board.
Watch Dogs: We had almost 100 Patriots trained by professional watch dogs from Chicago area (you tube posted). Watch Dogs attend town, city, commissioner and school board meetings and report back in preparation for elections.
Legislation: This is a very active team. Last year they tracked the bills in both the house and senate on a daily basis and were involved with suggestions with language. Language was changed at their request on the IT and Election Integrity Bills. This Team went to Tallahassee and attended a session in chambers and participated. They start again next week in preparation for this year and intend to approach our Representatives about Bills we would like to see on the floor! They are planning more trips to Tallahassee. This is a big and active team!
Election Integrity: This is a dedicated group of Patriots who have made numerous FOIA requests from our Supervisor of Elections. Our county went blue for the first time ever! The party will tell you we are still red; the SOE said recently on tv that we are purple not blue. We were blue on top and red down ballot. (The SOE received more votes than Biden?!) The Team has uncovered much voter fraud in Seminole County and is still a work in progress as they prepare to expose more fraud and canvass votes.
Constitution Class: About 30 Patriots attended a 12-week class on the Constitution taught by a member of our group who was a former history teacher. The material is based on The Institute on the Constitution. Michael Peroutka is the Founder, and he came and spoke to our group before the class started. Since we are holding our elected officials to the Constitution we thought it was a good idea to have a refresher course ourselves. All who started the class finished it! We are starting another class August 31st by request!
Candidate Training: This is for Grassroots Patriots, not just candidates - anyone who wants to preserve our freedom and liberties. We have Patriots attending from all over the state.
Voter Registration: We do this weekly. Grassroots has their own third party voter registration number.
Sheriff Mack: Recognizing that our Constitutional rights have been drastically threatened, we have reached out to Sheriff Mack. He did a zoom meeting with us last week. We are organizing a training with him for the LEO in our area since they took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Our Patriots will be contacting all the Sheriffs and asking them: (1) Are you a Constitutional Sheriff? (2) If anyone tries to take my firearms, will you stop them? and (3) If anyone tries to force me to take the jab and I don't want it, will you stop them? If they cannot answer "yes" to ALL three questions, then they are not a Constitutional sheriff, are not upholding the oath they took, and we need to replace them for one who is!
Opportunity Zones: This is the next initiative we will be working on. This was part of President Trump's tax plan started by Senator Tim Scott. We see it as a win-win for reaching out to minority voters and involving donors (investors).